- White Ribbon Alliance and USAID, Respectful Care: A Tool for Healthcare Workers.
- WHOHealth Resource Availability Mapping System (HeRAMS).
- USAID, Maternal and Newborn Quality of Care Survey.
- WHO, Hospital care for mothers and newborn babies: quality assessment and improvement tool.
- WHOContinuity of essential health services: Facility assessment tool.
- Newborn Indicators Technical Working Group, Newborn Services Rapid Health Facility Assessment.
- MSF, Rapid Health Assessment of Refugee or Displaced Populations (3rd edition).
- IAWG MNH Sub-working Group, Approaching Implementation of Respectful Maternity Care in Humanitarian Settings
- WHO and UNICEF, Thematic brief on nurturing care for every newborn.
- Every Woman Every Child, Global strategy for women’s, children’s and adolescents’ health (2016-2030).