- WHO, WHO recommendations: optimizing health worker roles to improve access to key maternal and newborn health interventions through task shifting.
- Helping Mothers and Babies Survive, Laerdal Global Health, AAP, and JhpiegoENC now!
- IAWG, Basic Emergency Obstetric and Newborn Care (BEmONC) in crisis settings, select signal functions outreach refresher training.
- UNHCR, High Impact Practice - Kangaroo Mother Care.
- Save the Children, Laerdal Global Health, Maternity Foundation, Trainings and tools for improving newborn health in humanitarian settings.
- WRC, Minimum Initial Service Package (MISP) for reproductive health in crisis situations: a distance learning module.
- Global Health Learning Center, Essential steps for improving newborn survival.
- WHO, Caring for newborns and children in the community.
- Helping Mothers SurviveThreatened preterm birth care: improving survival for preterm infants.
- WHO, Antenatal care recommendations adaptation toolkit.
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